2019年6月15日 星期六

大葉大學畢業典禮 聖克里斯多福及尼維斯大使獻祝福

大葉大學畢業典禮  聖克里斯多福及尼維斯大使獻祝福

大葉大學15日下午舉辦107學年度畢業典禮,聖克里斯多福及尼維斯大使館的特命全權大使Jasmine E. Huggins (查絲敏.哈菁絲)特別出席典禮,見證獲台灣外交部獎學金的聖克里斯多福及尼維斯籍學生李巧玲,完成大學學位。

聖克里斯多福及尼維斯大使館的特命全權大使Jasmine E. Huggins勉勵大葉大學畢業生

畢業典禮當天,聖克里斯多福及尼維斯大使館的特命全權大使Jasmine E. Huggins、彰化縣副縣長洪榮章、大葉大學董事長黃正雄、董事張世良、董事葉育恩、校友總會理事長邱創進、雷耀企業股份有限公司總經理林原等人都到場參加,祝福畢業生鵬程萬里。彰化縣副縣長洪榮章說,大葉大學不只是連續11年榮獲教育部教學卓越與高教深耕獎助,豐沛的研發能量更是產業強而有力的後盾,可說是彰化縣最優質、最貼近產業的大學!創校30年來,秉持「德國師徒制」教育精神辦學,為社會培養了許多優秀人才。

大葉大學校長梁卓中(左)、聖克里斯多福及尼維斯大使館Jasmine E. Huggins大使(中)、畢業生李巧玲(右)合影

大葉大學校長梁卓中表示,大葉大學是全國第一所導入德國工業式大學精神,推動「德國師徒制」的綜合大學,秉持「師徒傳承、國際接軌、產學攜手、成就好業」四大治學方向,培養社會所需人才,迄今已培育出超過五萬八千名校友,在各個領域都能見到大葉校友亮眼的成就,加上今年的2785位畢業生,校友人數突破六萬人。今年有好幾位特殊的畢業班學生,空間設計學系的李巧玲是唯一獲台灣外交部獎學金的聖克里斯多福及尼維斯籍學生,她勇敢克服語言不通的問題,為自己開創精彩的大學生活,聖克里斯多福及尼維斯的Jasmine E. Huggins大使也到場見證她完成學業。機械與自動化工程學系的劉子駒出生時就視力模糊,國中拿到重度視障手冊,雖然視力的限制讓他必須花費比別人更多的時間做實驗,但他沒有自怨自艾,始終保持學習的熱忱,在張舜長教授的指導下,劉子駒也獲得科技部大專生計畫獎助。這些都是大葉大學師徒制帶領學生找到舞台、發光發熱的例子,祝福所有畢業生在展開人生的新里程後,都能展翅高飛。


聖克里斯多福及尼維斯大使H.E.Jasmine E. Huggins指出,聖克里斯多福及尼維斯位於東加勒比海小安地列斯群島的背風群島南端,李巧玲四年前獲台灣外交部獎學金、來台攻讀空間設計,謝謝台灣政府提供的境外生獎學金,謝謝大葉大學優質的高等教育學習環境,恭喜李巧玲同學即將取得學位,祝福每一位畢業生踏出校園後,都能發揮所學、勇敢接受挑戰。她同時勉勵畢業生們,離開學校後要將觸角伸出校園,拓展視野並大量學習。







<<聖克里斯多福及尼維斯大使Jasmine E. Huggins致詞之中英對照>>

I am humbled and honored to have been invited to deliver brief remarks on this momentous occasion which, for many of you holds the promise of new beginnings, of independence and yes even uncertainty.

A blank canvas upon which you will paint the picture that will tell your life’s tale, and you have, through your education, the foundation that is needed to paint a masterpiece.

Dear graduates, we are living in an environment whose boundaries appear limitless, where connections are made by clicks, where reality is virtual, alternate or augmented, and where our devices and everyday objects can be controlled and monitored via the internet, exciting times indeed.

Whereas many in my generation struggle to comprehend and to accept this new reality (virtual and otherwise) you, in shaping your future, can mold this fascinating world.

Stretch yourselves and expand your knowledge base beyond lessons taught in these hallowed halls of Da Yeh University.

The more you know, the more you understand, and the more you understand the less you fear. and when you have conquered fear, adversity and failure are just additional lessons to be learned while adorning the beautiful mosaic of your life.

Today more than ever, in this our interconnected universe, we need more understanding and less fear.

I was struck by a sermon recently when the preacher, in illustrating acceptance and diversity quoted a 16-year girl at the 1997 World Summit of Children who wrote and spoke these words: “he prayed- it wasn’t my religion, he ate - it wasn’t my food, he spoke - it wasn’t my language, he dressed - it wasn’t what I wore, he took my hand - and it wasn’t the color of mine, but when he laughed - it was how I laughed, and when he cried - it was how I cried.”
近來我深受牧師的一段引言所感動:1997年世界兒童高峰會,一名16歲的女孩說了以下的話: 「他祈禱著不屬於我的信仰-他吃著我未曾下嚥的食糧-他說著我不解的語言-他穿著我未曾穿戴的服飾-他伸手牽起我,卻與我有著不同的膚色。然而,他的笑容,跟我的笑容是一樣的燦爛;他的哭泣,同我的哭泣一樣悲悽」

Ladies and gentlemen, graduates, in our human family who can distinguish color, ethnicity or language, by a laugh or a tear….expressions of emotions which we all display as beings in this shared space we call home.
From the graduates in the Republic of China (Taiwan) to the graduates in and from my country Saint Kitts and Nevis, realties maybe different, but the desire for personal advancement is the same.

And if I may be permitted a moment of personal reflection I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Da Yeh University for opening the doors of this illustrious institution to Ms. Nevilla Isaac from our beloved Saint Kitts and Nevis and the first international student to enjoy the  privilege of studying here and to live this reality.

Faculty and staff of this University have, by example, bridged cultural divides and narrowed gaps that others may have feared to close.

President Liang, your adventure into diversification is a shining example of what it means to embrace cultural differences and to accept the basic fact that we are all one in this colorful universe.

Nevilla, as you embark on a new chapter of your life, armed with the tools necessary for success, I am convinced that the perseverance and dedication that you applied here at Da Yeh University will serve you in good stead.

You are that pioneer that opened doors for an improved experience for those that come after you.  You have my admiration and respect for what you have been able to accomplish.

Finally, I wish to also acknowledge the sacrifices made by the parents and families of graduates and offer them too my heartfelt congratulations.

Graduates, in applying the brush strokes of life that will fill your canvas with color, do so passionately and with purpose, absorbing all that is good even if different….. be brave, be bold and make your life a masterpiece, you only get one canvas.
